Inspiration for Spa Leader Challenges
Do you ever wish you had more information that would help you to solve a problem?
Do you ever wonder whether you are the only one experiencing a particular challenge?
As the spa business model continues to evolve, you may be presented with operational challenges that you don’t know how to approach. But, as usual, if you are near a computer, inspiration is on the way. Check out 30 Second MBA, brought to us by the folks at Fast Company magazine. This website consists of video interviews with a variety of business-world movers and shakers on an array of issues, and they each last, you guessed it, 30 seconds or less. The videos are organized by topics such as leadership, employee management, customer relationships, innovation, communication, and more, and the “professors” include luminaries like Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, Tony Hsieh of, Jay Adelson, CEO of Digg, and many more.